
Fagottini and Tenoroons

Small-Sized Bassoons from the 18th and 19th Centuries

Donna Agrell, Thomas Drescher, Martin Kirnbauer (eds.)

  • Reihe/Serie
    Basler Beiträge zur Historischen Musikpraxis
  • Band
  • Ort
  • Verlag
  • ISBN
    ISBN 978-3-7965-5182-6
  • Typ

A surprising number of small-sized bassoons from the 18th and 19th centuries have recently come to light. A research team at the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis was able to identify over 130 of these instruments, which are meticulously documented in the catalogue in this volume. The accompanying articles examine their history, describe the reconstruction of playable copies using modern scanning and 3D-printing technology, and suggest an important pedagogical role. Collectively they indicate a
history of diverse use that is only partially reflected in surviving sources, while demonstrating that replicas have a valuable role in re-introducing a unique instrumental colour to historically informed musical performance


bassoon; Fagott; Historical wind instruments; historische Holzblasinstrumente; reconstruction; 3D printing technology; organology; Instrumentenkunde; music pedagogy; Musikpädagogik

Content BBHM 43

Small-Sized Bassoons from the 18th and 19th Centuries

Donna Agrell, Thomas Drescher & Martin Kirnbauer (eds.)


Preface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  7

Small Bassoons: Some History

  1. Thomas Drescher: Instrument Families and Small Bassoons in Michael Praetorius’ Syntagma Musicum 1619 . . . . .  17
  2. Klaus Hubmann: Reflections on the Origin, Distribution, and Repertoire of the High-Pitched Dulcian, Especially in the Northern Italian and German-Speaking Regions . . . . . .  35
  3. Áurea Domínguez: Bassoons Come in all Sizes: A Typology of Fagottini . . . . . .  49
  4. James Kopp: Small Bassoons by the Savarys: Context and Style . . . . . .  67


Repertoire, Performers, and Pedagogy

  1. Donna Agrell: Rediscovering Forgotten Relatives . . . . . .  89
  2. Zoë Matthews-Visentin: The Hamburg Link . . . . . .  107
  3. David Gasche: The Tenor Bassoon in the Context of Harmoniemusik, Turkish Music and Military Music . . . . . .  125
  4. Giovanni Battista Graziadio: Fagottino Players: Evidence of Historical Performance Practice in 18th- and 19th-Century Bassoon Repertoire . . . .  141
  5. Letizia Viola: Pedagogical Applications of the Historical Fagottino: A Report from the Classroom . . . . . .  157


Construction and Reconstruction

  1. Donna Agrell: Notes About the Reconstructed and Printed Models . . . . . .  171
  2. Ricardo Simian: Coming Full Circle: Using Digital Technologies in the Fagottini and Tenoroons Research Projects . . . . . .  177
  3. Vincenzo Onida: New Tools in the Making of Historical Woodwind Copies . . . . . .  193


Instrument Catalogue

  1. Donna Agrell, Áurea Domínguez, Giovanni Battista Graziadio: Instrument Catalogue of Small-Sized Bassoons, ca. 1700–ca. 1915 . . . . . .  205
  2. Donna Agrell: Images of Selected Fagottini and Tenoroons . . . . . . .  249

Abstracts and CVs . . . . . . . . . . . . .  . . . . . . . . . .  261