14.01.2021, 18:00 Uhr
Online Präsentation
Donnerstag-Akademie Präsentation. Aufgrund der aktuellen Corona-Lage findet der Vortrag via ZOOM online statt. Die Zugangsdaten erhalten Sie kurz vor der Veranstaltung per Mail. Bitte melden Sie sich dazu bis spätestens 13. Januar 2021 an über die Veranstaltungsseite der Musik-Akademie Basel
The four Gaffurius Codices of Milan’s Duomo are among the most significant sources of polyphony c.1500. At the conclusion of the research project ‘Polifonia Sforzesca/Sforza Polyphony: The Motet Cycles in the Milanese Libroni between Liturgy, Devotion, and Ducal Patronage’ (2018–2020, funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation), we would like to share our experience in studying and cataloguing them, preparing open-access online resources and digital editions, and interacting with interdisciplinary scholars, conservators, restorers, and performers. The presentation also aims to open a discussion about the future of source studies: how to achieve a successful mix between digital initiatives and the enhancement of the sources’ materiality?