14.45 Uhr Bruce Dickey (Bologna): Notes on the Late Use of the Cornetto in Bologna. Francesco Passarini revisited
15.45 Uhr Henry van Engen (Basel): J.-A. Herbst, Analyzing the Building Blocks of Musica Prattica
16.15 Uhr Coffee break
16.45 Uhr Helen Roberts, Jamie Savan (Birmingham): Digital Divisions: Preparing Il vero modo di diminuir for a multimedia publication.
17.45 Uhr Claudio Canevari (Pavia), Michele Magnabosco (Verona)
- Functional restoration and conservation in the restoration of ancient woodwind instruments. The case of the Accademia Filarmonica di Verona.
-The case of the Abyssinian cornett of the Musei Civici di Reggio Emilia.
19.00 Uhr Ende
10.00 Uhr Roland Wilson (Berlin): Michael Praetorius and the Cornetto
12.00 Uhr Lambert Colson (Brüssel/Genf): Still und lieblich, the mute cornett and its use in the 17th century
13.00 Uhr Lunch break
14.15 Uhr Frithjof Smith (Basel): «una giusta & terminata quantità di figure». A look into Ignazio Donati’s toolbox
15.00 Uhr Round table «Quo vadis, cornetto?»
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