Konrad Lechner: Historia der Passion

Recording of a performance in 1949

Published: 16.09.2016     Author:


This is a recording of Leonhard Lechner's Historia der Passion und Leidens unsers einigen Erlösers und Seligmachers Jesu Christi (1593). It is an amateur recording of a live performance in 1949 of the Ensemble für Kirchenmusik of the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis under the direction of Ina Lohr. Gustav Leonhardt and Christopher Schmidt took part in the performance as part of the Ensemble für Kirchenmusik.

The recording is preserverd in Basle, Paul Sacher Stiftung, Ina Lohr Collection.

Research project

Ina Lohr (1903–1983)

How to cite

"Konrad Lechner: Historia der Passion. Recording of a performance in 1949". Forschungsportal Schola Cantorum Basiliensis, 2016.
https://forschung.schola-cantorum-basiliensis.ch/en/forschung/ina-lohr-project/lechner-passion-recording.html (retrieved: DD MM YYY)


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Lechner: Johannes-Passion, Part 1

Lechner: Johannes-Passion, Part 2