About us

Research has always been a key element of the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis since it was explicitly founded as an “Institute for Teaching and Research in the Field of Early Music” in 1933.

Today the Research Department consists of permanent staff members, supported by colleagues from the teaching staff, and of research fellows of the projects. An important aim is to connect our research with current issues related to historical performance practice and thus to inform teaching at the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis as well as to interact with the international community of musicology. These efforts are documented by numerous research projects and cooperations and are also aided by the scientific advisory board of the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis.



Dr. Christelle Cazaux

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin

Prof. Dr. Martin Kirnbauer

Leiter Forschung Schola Cantorum Basiliensis

Prof. Kelly Landerkin

Studiengangsleitung Bachelor

Prof. Dr. Johannes Menke

Dozent für Theorie der Alten Musik, historische Satzlehre und Fachdidaktikdozent Musiktheorie

Dr. Martina Papiro

Research associate, Co-editor of the SCB research portal, Lecturer in music history

Prof. Dr. Agnese Pavanello

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin

Claudia Schärli

Sekretariat Forschung und Veranstaltungen

Prof. Dr. Uri Smilansky

Professor for Notation

Research fellows

Dr. Laura Albiero

Research Fellow "Carmina Burana Online"

Dr. Ugo Bindini

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter

MA Matthieu Romanens

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter (Doktorand)

Silas Bischoff

Doktorand im Projekt "E-Laute"

Prof. Dr. Marc Lewon

Research Partner "E-Laute"

Doctoral candidates

Silas Bischoff

Doktorand im Projekt "E-Laute"

M.A. Sean Curtice

Ph.D. candidate

M.M.A. Eva-Maria Hamberger

Doktorandin, freischaffende Musikerin

MA Johannes Keller

Forschungsteam «Vicentino21»

MA Matthieu Romanens

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter (Doktorand)

MMus Marco Scorsolini

Doktorand; Komponist

MA Matthijs van der Moolen

PhD candidate

Scientific advisory board

Prof. Dr. Susan Leslie Boynton

Professor of Music, Columbia University (USA)

Prof. Dr. Tess Wendy Knighton Bolton

ICREA Research Professor at Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona

Prof. Dr. Ulrich Konrad

Lehrstuhl für Musikwissenschaft, Justus-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg

Prof. Dr. Birgit Lodes

Professorin für Historische Musikwissenschaft, Universität Wien

Prof. Dr. Katelijne Schiltz

Lehrstuhl für Musikwissenschaft, Universität Regensburg

Prof. Dr. Peter Wollny

Direktor am Bach-Archiv Leipzig