
Giuseppe Torelli (1658-1709) and His Instrumental Soundscape

06.03.2025, 9:00–17:00h

Neuer Saal, Musik-Akademie Basel, Leonhardsstr. 6, 4051 Basel

Giuseppe Torelli (1658-1709) and His Instrumental Soundscape

In March 2025, the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis (SCB), in collaboration with the Bologna Conservatory represented by Enrico Gatti, will organise a musical project dedicated to the violinist and com-poser Giuseppe Torelli (1658–1709). As part of this initiative, and in collaboration with SCB violin professors Amandine Beyer and Leila Schayegh, guest lecturer Enrico Gatti, and natural trumpet professor Jean-François Madeuf, a study day will be held focusing on Giuseppe Torelli and his in-strumental works, with particular attention to compositions for orchestral ensemble.

The goal of this study day is to foster an in-depth exploration of several key aspects of Torelli’s music, such as his contrapuntal writing, violin technique, formal decisions, and orchestration strategies. These will be examined within the context of the instrumental scene of his time, with the aim of achieving a better understanding and appreciation of the composer’s works and their reception.

>> LIVE-STREAM of the study day <<



Welcome & Introduction
Martin Kirnbauer & Agnese Pavanello (Schola Cantorum Basiliensis)

Giulia Giovani (Università degli Studi di Siena)
Bologna in Torelli's time: Social, political, artistic context and musical opportunities

Enrico Gatti (The Royal Conservatoire Den Haag / Conservatorio di Bologna)
“Like a consort of several instruments”. Multi-chordal practice on the violin in Italy during the 17th and early 18th century: The case of Giuseppe Torelli in its context

Constance Frei (Université de Lausanne)
"I frutti mero caprizioso parto dell’arco": Giuseppe Torelli printed by Micheletti


Valeria Mannoia (Università degli Studi di Pavia)
I Concerti musicali opus 6 (1698): The historical context and genesis between tradition and innovation

Johannes Menke (Schola Cantorum Basiliensis)
Torelli's Brandenburg Concerti: Formal and tonal strategies in op. 6

lunch break

Piotr Wilk (Jagiellonian University, Kraków)
Creating a new musical genre on the example of the concertos from op. 5, 6 and 8 by Giuseppe Torelli

Marc Vanscheeuwijck (University of Oregon / Conservatoire royal de Bruxelles)
Torelli’s large-scale compositions for San Petronio: reflections upon performance practices

Jean-Francois Madeuf (Schola Cantorum Basiliensis)
Trumpet music of Giuseppe Torelli


Federico Lanzellotti (Universität Basel)
Torelli as composer of sinfonie

Chiara Cattani (Conservatorio di Ravenna)
Giuseppe Torelli, opus 8: Concerti grossi and solo violin con-certos


>> Concert "L'arte di Giuseppe Torelli" on Friday, 7th March, 19h, Predigerkirche (Totentanz 19, 4056 Basel)