Research project

Mobile Barock-Bühne / Mobile Baroque Stage

21.08.2023 – 30.06.2025

The collaborative project “Mobile Barock-Bühne” (MBB) links past and present, research and practice. It is developed for and with students.


The students of the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis are committed to historically informed music practice. However, they do not have a suitable historical venue for their Baroque music theatre projects. The Mobile Baroque Stage offers a solution to this problem. As a modular and mobile system of stage sets, it provides some of the essential functionalities of Baroque opera stages. The MBB allows students to experiment with the conditions of historical scenography and stage spaces. In this way, the MBB opens up space for reflection and creativity in dealing with historical artistic practices.


The aim of the project is to create a prototype and a dossier for producing the MBB.


Our team is made up of professionals and students from the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis and the BA program Interior Design & Scenography of the HGK, as well as independent professionals. We work in an interdisciplinary way, combining research and practice to give new impetus to historical music theatre.
